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Why Bonus Offers?
If you are not working on a minimum spend for a new card, these bonus offers via each individual card can have a substantial points benefit to you. Each month we make it a point to add them to our cards, and while we won’t use many of them, we have seen large payoffs from them on the occasions they do align with our monthly expenses.
How to add them?
Step 1: Login and Open up your Chase Portal.
Step 2: Click on the box with the offers on the far right hand side of the screen (as shown below):
Step 3: Add all the offers you want to your card. If you have multiple cards, make sure to click the drop down menu to switch between cards. Often, each card will have slight variation in offers. (The Card Pointers Extension comes in very handy here.)
Step 4: If there is an offer you are particularly interested in, or know you will for sure use, make sure to write down the offer and the card it was located on. is yet another way to find bonuses. While not as many bonuses come through this avenue, the ones that do are generally high value bonuses, so I try to remember to check my cards through here each month.
Card Pointers App and Extension
I recently purchased the Card Pointers app when they had a sale so I could test it out and come up with a review for the blog. I have been pleasantly surprised with how much I actually use it.
The Card Pointers App and Extension, much like Travel Freely, do not require any card login information, which we always appreciate.
The Extension is free for Chrome or Safari. When you login to your credit card, card pointers will automatically add all the offers to your card for you. It’s amazing. It also will tell you on each website, which card is best for maximizing your points with your purchase.
The App alerts you to upcoming annual fees, and also allows you to search by store for which card to use. This comes in really handy while traveling and running errands, I can just pop in the store quickly and receive the necessary info. Because I have uploaded all the offers to my cards, through card pointers, it is also aware of all of those bonus offers, requiring less record keeping from me. I always appreciate less record keeping.