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You have the Southwest Companion Pass, now where do you find it? How do you use this companion pass to book a flight?
Finding Your Companion Pass
When you finally qualify for the companion pass, how do you find it?
Choice #1 – Wait for it to show up in the mail
Choice #2 – Go find it at
Head to the Southwest website and Find the My Account Button
Click My Account and find the section to the right that says “My Companion Pass”
In this section you can designate your companion, and also read through the companion pass rules.
Booking a Flight for your Companion Pass
To book a flight with your companion pass, you will first need to book the flight for the person the companion is attached to. You go all the way through this process and pay. Once you finalize that, go to the section that says “Upcoming Trips.” You will find your flight and click “Add Companion.” You will continue through and purchase the taxes portion for your companion’s flight. TA-DA!!
Changing Your Companion
With the companion pass, comes the ability to change your companion up to 3 times in a calendar year. To do this you will have to call Southwest and ask them to switch your companion.
Checking In
The companion pass has a different confirmation number than the individual who they are traveling with. This is important to remember when you are trying to check in 24 hours prior to your flight. You will each need to check in separately and you will get different boarding numbers.